Monday, December 1, 2008

All most there, really. I can smell freedom, sort of...

I have two assignments remaining and then my first semester is over. I think that's all I have to say about that.

And on to other news...

My mini-NaNoWriMo challenge. Sunday was the last day for NaNoWriMo-ers around the world. The goal, of course, was to write 50,000 words during the 30 days of November, but since I am working part-time and going to school full-time I felt that objective was out of my reach. I was just trying to write as much as time would allow. Unfortunately I currently have no idea what my final tally is. I spent the last week or so writing on paper (very old school, I know) and so can only guesstimate my achievement. When I have time (ha!) I will type the 6 or so pages I have (of very minute script I might add) and report the official number. My preliminary guess is that I wrote approximately 15,000 words.

And for your amusement...

I had a crazy dream Monday morning. I dreamt I was running a marathon inside a shopping mall. First, there was a swimming component (no biking though, hence not a triathlon competition), which took place in a huge wave pool. When you were done the swim you had to exit the pool via a corridor (also filled with water), except because the waves were so big they kept pushing me off course and they made it difficult to see the entrance. When I finally got out of the pool and started to run I was way behind the other competitors and then discovered the run was also a scavenger hunt, which I was pretty mad about. In the end, I finished last because I'd lost so much time from the swim. I hope to run my first half-marathon next spring in Calgary. I hope it doesn't turn out like my dream.

And finally...

Stephanie Dion could wind up Prime Minister after all. These are interesting times in Canada. Interesting times.



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